Using SharpSpring to Convert Your Leads Into Sales

Imagine that you have spent numerous hours and money on your content strategy and now your website traffic is pouring in. GREAT!

However, when you take a closer look, you notice your website visitors seldom convert into sales. Every business has its own expected conversion rates, but generally, it beings with capturing a prospect’s email. You have an increase in website traffic – buy why are you not seeing more people filling out your forms to provide their email address?

Clue: It’s likely not the offer, the Call To Action (CTA), the content or even the landing page.

It’s more likely that the flow is not guiding a new prospect to that offer. It’s common to think that a webpage is optimized and people will know where to look. However, that’s taking a big risk and you can’t ensure they will. You are in charge of steering people in the right direction so that they fill out your form. You can do this by displaying the right message at the right moment.

A Client Case Study

Take for example a medical device client of ours. They had people visiting the website and browsing through their pages, but they weren’t taking the next step. Why? We helped the client determine that the leads who weren’t filling out the form were ones who likely were just starting to research the medical procedure they offered. This is commonly referred to as Top of the Funnel (TOFU). This is when you can bring in a content marketing strategy.

It’s good to create great content, but that isn’t enough, people need to see it. We took a look at how they were communicating with their leads and found they were using WordPress and Zapier, but they didn’t have a CRM. It’s an easy integration between SharpSpring, WordPress and Zapier to create a marketing trifecta.

What are WordPress and Zapier?

WordPress is an open-source content management system that allows you to create great websites. More than 60 million websites use WordPress and has become one of the most popular content management solutions.

You can customize WordPress to suit your business needs and chose a plan that works for you. WordPress offers you to create robust websites and can work for almost any budget size. In addition, WordPress comes with nearly 20 built-in plugins and more can be added based on your plan.

Zapier allows you to integrate nearly any web application you use, more or less it helps you get stuff done. The online automated tool connects your apps and services without having to rely on developers to build the integration.

With Zapier you can build automated workflows, referred to as a Zap that can trigger multiple actions. You can create Zaps from scratch and apply any optional filters. Zapier also allows you to see sample data before turning on the Zap to ensure the test data is accurate. You can also customize the frequency within Zapier, for example, if you want a response email sent in 2 minutes versus 5 minutes.

Since our medical device company was already using WordPress and Zapier, it was an easy decision to integrate with SharpSpring.

Enters SharpSpring…

When website visitors fill out a form, we used Zapier to pass along their email address and other details captured over to SharpSpring. A workflow was created in SharpSpring for lead nurturing to ensure the right message was being sent to the new lead. Based on the captured details from the form, the appropriate workflow would be assigned and the lead would seamlessly process through the funnel.

SharpSpring forms are commonly used as well because they assist with triggering automation and lead profiling. It’s critical to get the leads’ attention at the right moment, into your marketing automation system so that they can be nurtured to a sale.

Another great feature that Sharpspring offers is seeing a bird’s eye view of the life of the lead and how they continue to interact with your website. You will be able to see the progress down the sales funnel in the Sharpspring pipeline. Based on where the lead is in the pipeline it allows you to reach out to help them make a buying decision.

The Results

When we integrated SharpSpring to WordPress and Zapier for our client they were able to start nurturing their leads at the right time and with automation. For the first time, they were able to use customized messaging based on details the lead provided in the form. They even took it a step farther and brought their call center in-house using SharpSpring to track their outbound calls to their leads right away. Their next step would be to integrate SharpSpring with Ring Central to enhance their call center.

Check out A SharpSpring Success Story for more information about how we have used SharpSpring to help one of our clients.

Vital Digital AgencyRESULTS ARE VITAL

If you are looking for your first CRM or a new CRM like SharpSpring, Vital Digital can help! We provide digital marketing services including, but not limited to content marketing, search engine optimization and website development. Visit us and let us know how we can help.

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