7 Ways to Optimize Your PPC Ad Copy

Are you getting the most conversions out of your PPC ads? If you don’t think you are, your ad copy may be to blame. While there’s no surefire way to make sure your ad copy is perfect, there are plenty of ways to make it as strong as possible. Optimize your PPC ad copy with these tips to start getting more out of your ads!

Keep the User’s Objective in Mind

It’s only natural to want to talk about your business in your ads. Visitors will probably need to get to know you before they actually make a purchase, but this isn’t necessarily the best way to optimize your PPC ad copy.

While talking about your business, what you do, or your products may work for nurturing content, someone looking at an ad wants to solve a problem. Keep the reader’s goal in mind as you write your ad copy and let them know how you can solve their problem. Anticipate the user’s needs, then write your copy to directly appeal to their needs and respond to their search habits.

Make Use of Numbers or Statistics

optimize your PPC ad copy

A great way to get the attention of potential customers and optimize your PPC ad copy is to include numbers or statistics in the headline of your ad. You should also include these numbers or statistics in the body of your ad as well, but the headline is great for grabbing attention.

Including numbers in your ads is a powerful way to bring attention to your ad, but be careful of what numbers you use. If you advertise the price of a product that seems too low, potential customers may end up questioning the quality of the product or have other questions. 

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the numbers included should help guide a potential customer’s decision when evaluating your ad against your competitors’.

Use All the Space Available to You

When trying to optimize your PPC ad copy, you should keep in mind that quantity is just as important as quality.

If you focus on Google Ads, you get two 30-character headlines and an 80-character description. Do your best to use all of these characters so you can put as much information as possible into your ad. 

This also extends to the display URL as well as ad extensions. Because the display URL of your ad doesn’t need to match the actual URL of the landing page, you can use it to give the user more information. It should also include your keywords.

Ad extensions are also a great way to get more information into your ads, but Google doesn’t guarantee that these extensions will always show up, so don’t put crucial information there.

Always Include a Call to Action

Don’t forget about calls to action (CTAs) when trying to optimize your PPC ad copy.

You want visitors to your ad to take action when they see it. Whether that action is purchasing, signing up for a newsletter, or something else, you need to explain the action you want visitors to take in your ad copy. This will help guide the visitor and make them more likely to take action.

Including a call to action (CTA) in your ad copy not only helps visitors understand what you want them to do, but can also refine your ad clicks. Once a visitor understands the action you’d like them to take, they may realize they’re not interested, saving you the cost of their click.

Of course, your landing page should reflect the CTA in your PPC ad copy. If your ad’s call to action is “Apply Today”, then use that same CTA throughout your landing page. This keeps your message consistent and avoids confusion.

Update and Optimize Your PPC Ad Copy

You can’t just “set it and forget it” when it comes to your PPC ad copy. You need to regularly test and optimize your PPC ad copy in order to ensure that you can get as many clicks as possible. 

The copy of your ads should always be relevant to your keywords. This will bring the most traffic to your ads and to your website or landing page. If you have any new events or discounts, your ad copy should also reflect that.

A/B testing is also a great way to optimize your copy by giving you a look at what changes you can make to your copy so that your ads can perform better. Try varying your body copy, headline, or even punctuation, and see how even small changes can affect your ad’s performance.

Appeal to Your Audience’s Emotions

It’s not enough for your ads to be put together, they need to be captivating as well. Appealing to the emotions of your audience is the best way to persuade them to click on your ad. To point back to our first tip, understanding the needs of the user will help you accomplish this.

Get to the core of the problem that your customer would want to accomplish and figure out how you can appeal to their emotions by solving that problem. Remember that it’s ok to appeal to negative emotions as well as positive ones. 

You can appeal to anxiety, anger, hopefulness, relief, and more. Making the person reading your ad feel something is one of the best ways to optimize your PPC ad copy.

Be Honest

Finally, if your goal is to optimize your PPC ad copy, it’s crucial that your landing page match your ad. Regardless of what your message is, there should be cohesion between your landing page and your ad, or you risk confusing visitors.

Using our previous example, if a visitor sees “apply today” in the copy of your call to action, but doesn’t see a form or anything that allows them to “apply today” on your landing page, they’ll likely get frustrated and won’t take any action.

This will lead to a waste of ad spend and a waste of all the effort you put into perfecting your ad copy. Make sure that you get the conversions you’re looking for by making sure your ad copy and landing page work together!

optimize your PPC ad copy


We hope that these tips will help you optimize your PPC ad copy and make your ads even more successful! PPC ad optimization is important to get the most out of your PPC ad campaigns.

However, we know that creating a PPC ad strategy isn’t always simple or easy, so if you feel that you need some help with PPC ads, Vital Digital is here to help! 

We provide digital marketing services including, but not limited to content marketing, search engine optimization, and website development. We also provide HubSpot, SharpSpring, and Zapier consulting to ensure that your business is running as efficiently as possible. Request a free quote today and let us know how we can help!

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